<!-- TITLE: Slider - Magento 2 module documentation--> <!-- SUBTITLE: Autor: Aurora Creation --> # Slider Module ## Module overview The module allows you to add a photo slider widget on a selected page in the store. ## Module compatibility This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: **2.2**, **2.3** i **2.4**. ## How it works To be able to add a Slider widget you need to create at least 1 banner and 1 slide. ### Adding a slide: Head to the Admin Panel. There, go to: **Content > Aurora Banner > Slides**. Choose option **Create New Slide**. The slide configuration will be displayed. ![Slider 4](/uploads/slider/slider-4.png "Slider 4") **Name**- slides name. **Assign to Banner(s)**- choose banner to assign. **Enable Slide** - enable/disable slide. **Store View** - choose Store View. The slide can be displayed for a selected group of customers and in a selected period of time. ![Slider 5](/uploads/slider/slider-5.png "Slider 5") **Customer Groups** - choose customer group. **Display From** - date start display. **Display To** - date end display. **Select image to slide:** ![Slider 6](/uploads/slider/slider-6.png "Slider 6") **Image Type** - choose between adding an image from a file or from a link. **Large Image File**- adding an image with a maximum width of 1023 px. You can also load images of a different maximum width. **Image Title** - slide title. **Image Alt** - alt image attribute. ![Slider 7](/uploads/slider/slider-7.png "Slider 7") **URL** - allows you to insert a url link to which clicking the button above the slide should redirect. **Open URL in New Window**- whether the page should open in a new window. **Add 'No follow' to URL** - add attribute nofollow to URL. ![Slider 8](/uploads/slider/slider-8.png "Slider 8") **Enable title and button**- enable/disable title and button for slide. **Title**- title above slide. **Color**- color of button. **Description** - description above slide. **Button text** - text in button. **Position X** - button position relative to the X axis.. **Positon Y**- button position relative to Y axis. ![Bgd 6 Oxg](/uploads/slider/bgd-6-oxg.png "Bgd 6 Oxg") After configuration choose option **Save**. The saved slide appears below the path **Content > Aurora Banner > Slides**. ### Adding a banner: Head to the Admin Panel. There, go to: **Content > Aurora Banner > Banners**. Choose option **Create New Banner**. ![Slider 1 A](/uploads/slider/slider-1-a.png "Slider 1 A") Under the given path, you will see configurations for the banner: **Name** – banner name. **Enable Banner** – enable/disable banner. and fields that allow you to change the behavior of the Slider: ![Slider 2](/uploads/slider/slider-2.png "Slider 2") **Animation Effect**– allows you to choose the animation during the Slider transition. **Pause Time Between Transitions, ms**– time pause between slides transitions in milliseconds. **Slide Transition Speed, ms**– setting the speed of slides transition between in milliseconds.. **Stop Animation While Mouse is on the Banner**– enable/disable stop animation while mouse is on the banner. **Display Arrows** – display navigation arrows. **Display Navigation Bullets**– display pagination under slider. ![Autdtsl](/uploads/slider/autdtsl.png "Autdtsl") If a slide is added, you can assign it to the banner by checking the checkbox. ![3564 X 95](/uploads/slider/3564-x-95.png "3564 X 95") After configuration choose option **Save**. The saved slide appears below the path **Content > Aurora Banner > Banners**. ### Adding a Slider widget: Head to the Admin Panel. There, go to: **Content > Elements > Widgets**. Choose option **Add Widget**. ![Neseffc](/uploads/slider/neseffc.png "Neseffc") In option **Type** choose **Rich Banner Slider**. In option **Design Theme** choose design of your store. Then click the button **Continue**. ![Nmx 0 Atj](/uploads/slider/nmx-0-atj.png "Nmx 0 Atj") A view will appear where we enter the widget title and assign the widget to Store Views. ![89 Fnxb 3](/uploads/slider/89-fnxb-3.png "89 Fnxb 3") In the **Layout Updates** column, after clicking the **Add Layout Update** button, select where (on what pages and in what container) the widget with the Slider should be displayed. In column **Widget Options**: **Choose banner type** - choose banner type. **Banner 1** - after clicking the **Select Banner...** button choose banner to display. ![Slider 9](/uploads/slider/slider-9.png "Slider 9") After configuring the widget, enter the **Save** button, refresh the cache, the Slider will appear in the selected place. ## Installation ### Composer 1. Add repo to composer.json: ```text "repositories": [ ... { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:magento2/slider.git" } ... ], ``` 2. Add package to composer.json: ```text "require": { ... "aurora/slider": "*" ... }, ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text composer update aurora/slider php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Slider php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Manual 1. Unzip archive 2. Upload extension files on your server to: ```text {Magento root} └── app/ └── code ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Slider php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ## Changelog ### v3.2.4 * Adding the ability to choose the text color and background for the title, description and slider button ### v3.2.3 * Improved behavior of title, description and button options on slider ### v3.2.2 * Fixing a bug that prevented editing the slider ### v3.2.1 * Save images data in cache ### v3.2.0 * Swiper library updated, style and resolution improved ### v3.1.5 * Adding new tests ### v3.1.4 * Remove unused Zend imports ### v3.1.3 * Improving the database schema ### v3.1.2 * Bug fixes ### v3.1.1 * Bug fix with loading photo ### v3.1.0 * Module update ### v3.0.8 * Improved button performance on the slider ### v3.0.7 * Adding the option of no slider animation ### v3.0.6 * Fixing how settings work with multiple existing banners ### v3.0.5 * Adding the ability to set the description of the slide ### v3.0.4 * Bug fixes ### v3.0.3 * Slider display improvements ### v3.0.2 * Adding a slider to the widgets ### v3.0.1 * Swapping the Slick library for Swiper ### v3.0.0 * New version of module that works as a widget ### Thank you for your interest in our products!