<!-- TITLE: Products FAQ - Magento 2 module documentation --> <!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Aurora Creation --> # Products FAQ - Magento 2 module documentation ## Module overview The Products FAQ module allows users to ask questions about specific products. Verified questions with answers are visible to all store users on the product page. ## Module compatibility This module is compatibile with Magento Community version **2.4**. ## How it works After installing the module go to **Stores** > **Configuration** > **Aurora** > **Products Faq** and enable the module by setting **Enable Products Faq** option to **Yes**. When the module is launched, a new **Products Faq** tab will appear on the product page, in which there are questions from other users along with answers given by a store employee and a form to submit a new question. ![Image1](/uploads/products-faq/img-1.png "Image1") To submit a new question, complete the form and click **Submit Question**. All submitted questions can be found by going to **Catalog** > **Products FAQ** in the admin panel menu. ![Image2](/uploads/products-faq/img-2.png "Image2") To answer the selected question, go to **Select** > **Edit**, then add the answer in the **Product answer** field using the WYSIWYG editor. To make the question visible on the product page, you have to also check the **Is verified** option. ![Image3](/uploads/products-faq/img-3.png "Image3") ## Installation ### Via Composer 1. Add the repository to composer.json: ```text "repositories": [ ... { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:aurora-modules/productsfaq.git" } ... ], ``` 2. Then add the dependency in composer.json: ```text "require": { ... "aurora/products-faq": "*" ... }, ``` 3. In the Magento root folder, run the following commands: ```text composer update aurora/products-faq php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductsFAQ php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Manual 1. Unzip the archive. 2. Upload module files on your server to: ```text {Magento root} └── app/ └── code ``` 3. In the Magento root folder, run the following commands: ```text php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductsFAQ php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Thank you for your interest in our products!