Rich Snippets - Magento 2 module documentation

Autor: Adam Dudel

Rich Snippets Module

Module overview

Rich Snippets module removes structured data in microdata format and replaces them with data in ld-json format.

Module compatibility

This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: 2.3.

How it works

After installing the module, head to the Admin Panel.
There, go to: Stores > Configuration > Aurora > Rich Snippets

Under the given path, you will see configurations for the module:

Image 1

Module Enable - enable/disable module
Enable Sitelinks Searchbox - enable/disable sitelinks searchbox

Image 2

Enable - enable/disable generating data about products
Enable Multistock Inventory - enable/disable Multistock Inventory support
Brand - product brand attribute
Default Aggregate Rating Value - enable/disable default rating and reviews
Default Rating Value - default product rating
Default Review Count - default product reviews count
Default Review Author - default product review author
Default Price Valid Until - default price valid until date
(used when Special Price an Special Price To for product are not set)
Product Model - (
Model Value - value for Product Model (SKU, EAN, barcode etc.)

Image 3

Enable - enable/disable generating data about organization
Organization Name - organization name
Customer Service Enable - enable/disable contact data for customer service
Customer Service Phone - phone number
Customer Service Contact Options - additonal contact information
Customer Service Area - availability area - country name, country code or city name
Fields Technical Support and Sales Service we fill in the same way as in customer service

Image 4

We fill out data about social networks that will be attached to information about the organization.

To check if module is working properly - use Google Structured Data Testing Tool

We provide the URL of the store / product card or paste the source code of the page there.



  1. Add repo to composer.json:
"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""
  1. Add package to composer.json:
"require": {
    "aurora/module-rich-snippets": "*"
  1. In Magento root folder run commands:
composer update aurora/module-rich-snippets
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_RichSnippets
php bin/magento setup:upgrade


  1. Unzip archive
  2. Upload extension files on your server to:
{Magento root}
└── app/
    └── code
  1. In Magento root folder run commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_RichSnippets
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

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