<!-- TITLE: Widgets - Magento 2 module documentation--> <!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Aurora Creation --> # Widgets - Magento 2 module documentation ## Module overview The module allows to add widgets with products on the selected page in the store: -bestsellers list -bestsellers from a given category -last purchased products -new products -last viewed products ## Module compatibility This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: : **2.4**. ## How it works The widget is added like standard Magento widgets. ## Demo demo2.magecreation.com ### Adding a widget: Head to the Admin Panel. There, go to: **Content > Element > Widgets**. Choose option **Add Widget**. The widget configuration will be displayed. ![Addwidget](/uploads/widget/addwidget.png "Addwidget") **Type**- type of widget. **Design Theme**- choose design of your store. Widgets added by the module start with Catalog Product List. ![Widgets 2](/uploads/widget/widgets-2.png "Widgets 2") **After selecting the type and theme, we proceed to configure the module:** ![Widget 3](/uploads/widget/widget-3.png "Widget 3") **Widget Title** - widget name in Admin Panel. **Assign to Store Views**- choose Store View. **Sort Order** - sort order. **Layout Updates** - select where (on what pages and in what container) the widget should be displayed. After configuring this tab, we can go to **Widget Options** ![Widgets 4](/uploads/widget/widgets-4.png "Widgets 4") **Title** - title above widget. **Display Page Control**- display widget control. **Bestsellers range** - select bestseller range. **Promoted products**- additional products we would like to display. **Number of Products per Page**- number of products per page. **Number of Products to Display**- number of products to display. **Cache Lifetime (Seconds)** - cache lifetime. After configuration choose option **Save** The saved widget appears below the path **Content > Element > Widgets**. ## Installation ### Composer 1. Add repo to composer.json: ```text "repositories": [ ... { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:magento2/widgets.git" } ... ], ``` 2. Add package to composer.json: ```text "require": { ... "aurora/widgets": "*" ... }, ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text composer update aurora/widgets php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Widgets php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Manual 1. Unzip archive 2. Upload extension files on your server to: ```text {Magento root} └── app/ └── code ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Widgets php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ## Changelog ### v2.0.9 * Improve compatibility with Magento 2.4.5 ### v2.0.8 * Adding an "Add to Cart" button on widgets ### v2.0.7 * Improving the performance of "Promoted Products" ### v2.0.6 * Fixing bestsellers ### v2.0.5 * Changes in product list ### v2.0.4 * Fixing bestsellers ### v2.0.3 * Improve the limit of recently displayed products ### v2.0.2 * Fix JS files ### v2.0.1 * Fix JS ### Thank you for your interest in our products!