<!-- TITLE: Product Set - Magento 2 module documentation-->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Aurora Creation -->
# Product Set - Magento 2 module documentation
## Module overview
The module allows to add product set to store.
## Module compatibility
This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: : **2.4**.
## How it works
The product is added like standard Magento products.
### Adding a product:
Head to the Admin Panel.
There, go to: **Catalog > Inventory > Products.**.
Choose option **Add Prodcut** and choose **Product Set**.
![Productset 1](/uploads/productset/productset-1.png "Productset 1")
The add product window will appear.
Most options overlap with the standard product, except:
**Price**- field inactive, calculated automatically.
**Bundle Items**- tab in which we define our set.
![Productset 2](/uploads/productset/productset-2.png "Productset 2")
After choosing **Add Option** we add another item to the set, where after pressing the **Add products to option** button, we select the corresponding product.
![Productset 3](/uploads/productset/productset-3.png "Productset 3")
After selecting the products, remember to complete the options:
**Option Title** - title of the set item
**Selection price** - the price of the set item
**Default Quantity** - the default quantity of product in the set.
Price and quantity affect the final price of the set.
After completing other standard options for products in Magento, we press **Save**.
If our product is active it should be visible in the category assigned to it.
![Productset 4](/uploads/productset/productset-4.png "Productset 4")
![Productset 5](/uploads/productset/productset-5.png "Productset 5")
## Installation
### Composer
1. Add repo to composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:aurora-modules/module-product-set.git"
2. Add package to composer.json:
"require": {
"aurora/module-product-set": "*"
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
composer update aurora/module-product-set
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductSet
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Manual
1. Unzip archive
2. Upload extension files on your server to:
{Magento root}
└── app/
└── code
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductSet
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
## Changelog
### v1.0.1
* Item copier fix
### v1.0.0
* Creation of a module
### Thank you for your interest in our products!