<!-- TITLE: Product Reviews - Magento 2 module documentation-->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Paweł Wasiluk -->
# Product Reviews Module
## Module overview
Bring up recent reviews from your customers wherever you like.
## Module compatibility
This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: **2.3**.
## How it works
After installing the module, you have access to reviews feed widget. Add it anywhere you want on regular widget basis.
Reviews widget lets you assign title to it and restrict count of reviews that will be presented.
To display widget you should:
* edit for example page or static block
* choose "Product Recent Reviews" from available widgets list
* optional add title (field "Title") and number of last review to display (field "Number reviews to show")
![Reviews 1](/uploads/product-reviews-feed/reviews-1.png "Reviews 1")
![Reviews 2](/uploads/product-reviews-feed/reviews-2.png "Reviews 2")
![Reviews 3](/uploads/product-reviews-feed/reviews-3.png "Reviews 3")
Widget by default will look like on the picture presented below:
![Image 1](/uploads/product-reviews-feed/i-1.jpg "Image 1")
## Demo
## Installation
### Composer
1. Add repo to composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:magento2/product-reviews.git"
2. Add package to composer.json:
"require": {
"aurora/product-reviews": "*"
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
composer update aurora/product-reviews
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductReviews
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Manual
1. Unzip archive.
2. Upload extension files on your server to:
{Magento root}
└── app/
└── code
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductReviews
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Thank you for your interest in our products!