<!-- TITLE: Product Notify - Magento 2 module documentation-->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Paweł Wasiluk -->
# Product Notify Module
## Module overview
Let your customers receive product status notifications, with the Product Notify module they can do it without creating an account.
## Module compatibility
This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: **2.3**.
## How it works
After installing the module, you should go to the administration panel, head to the **Stores> Configuration> Catalog> Catalog> Product Alerts**. The **Allow notifications for guests** field has been added to the form, enabling the module's functionality (for the module to work, the native functionality of magento alerts must also be enabled). If 'Out of stock' in store is not enabled, go to **Stores> Configuration> Catalog> Inventory> Stock Options** and enable **Display Out of Stock Products**.
The button presentation remains the same as in the native functionality.
![Image 1](/uploads/product-notify/i-1.jpg "Image 1")
When we are not logged in, the button opens the modal field with an email.
## Demo
## Installation
### Composer
1. Add repo to composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:aurora-modules/product-notify.git"
2. Add package to composer.json:
"require": {
"aurora/product-notify": "*"
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
composer update aurora/product-notify
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductNotify
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Manual
1. Unzip archive.
2. Upload extension files on your server to:
{Magento root}
└── app/
└── code
3. In Magento root folder run commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_ProductNotify
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Thank you for your interest in our products!