<!-- TITLE: Order Count - Magento 2 module documentation--> <!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Marek Milewski --> # Order Count Module ## Module overview Get to know your shop with numbers, with order count module you take control over current prospering of your shop and what direction should your shop be heading towards. Module Order Count let you control counting of orders, shippings placed invoices over period of time picked by you. ## Module compatibility This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: **2.2** and **2.3**. ## How it works After installing module head to Admin Panel **Stores > Configuration**. Set **Store View** to your website. ![Image 5](/uploads/order-count/image-5.png "Image 5") Next go to **Sales > Order Count**. Here you can activate module on specific areas. Each of them is configured in same way. ![Image 1](/uploads/order-count/image-1.png "Image 1") **Enable order count** - activate module for area **Format** - what format should the data be saved **Number digits in counter** - pick size of counter for example, when 4 counter is 0001 etc. **Reset counter** - after what period of time should the counting start over **Start count from** - set starting number of counter **Counter step** - set what is the gap between each count To check if module works, create order and head to **Sales > Orders** . Id for last order should have pattern you created in module's config. ## Demo demo3.magecreation.com ## Installation ### Composer 1. Add repo to composer.json: ```text "repositories": [ ... { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:aurora-modules/order-count.git" } ... ], ``` 2. Add package to composer.json: ```text "require": { ... "aurora/ordercount": "*" ... }, ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text composer update aurora/ordercount php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_OrderCount php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Manual 1. Unzip archive. 2. Upload extension files on your server to: ```text {Magento root} └── app/ └── code ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_OrderCount php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Thank you for your interest in our products!