<!-- TITLE: Dynamic Description - Magento 2 module documentation--> <!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Aurora Creation --> # Dynamic Description Module ## Module overview Dynamic Description module, gives You the possibility to dynamically change description of configurable product. If the configurable product does not have a default description, the module displays the text set in its configuration. After selecting the attributes corresponding to a specific product, the description will be replaced with the correct one for this product.​ ## Module compatibility This module is compatibile with Magento Community versions: **2.4** ## How it works Once installed, head to **Stores > Configuration > Aurora > Dynamic Description** to enable module and setup configuration. ![Image 3](/uploads/dynamic-description/image-3.png "Image 3") Set the text to display when there is no description for the configurable product. The description may contain html tags. To check the module functionality, you can go to your website and go to the page of the configurable product. In the “description” section you will find the defined text. ![Image 1](/uploads/dynamic-description/image-1.png "Image 1") Then set the attributes corresponding to the Simple Product. The product description will change automatically when you select the required options. ## Demo <a href="https://demo1.magecreation.com/ ">demo1.magecreation.com</a> ## Installation ### Composer 1. Add repo to composer.json: ```text "repositories": [ ... { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:magento2/module-dynamic-description.git" } ... ], ``` 2. Add package to composer.json: ```text "require": { ... "aurora/module-dynamic-desctiption": "*" ... }, ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text composer update aurora/feed php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_DynamicDescription php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Manual 1. Unzip archive. 2. Upload extension files on your server to: ```text {Magento root} └── app/ └── code/ └── Aurora ``` 3. In Magento root folder run commands: ```text php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_DynamicDescription php bin/magento setup:upgrade ``` ### Thank you for your interest in our products! ## Changelog ### v1.0.1 - Fixed displaying description contained html tags - Added gitlabci - Improved PSR - Updated copyrights - Updated links to module documentatin