<!-- TITLE: Carriers - Magento 2 module documentation -->.
<!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Aurora Creation -->.
# Carriers - Magento 2 module documentation.
## Module description
The module adds new payment methods, and allows you to add the logo of the delivery method in the store, and introduces dependencies between payment and delivery methods.
It allows you to specify which delivery methods are available for which payment methods, and also allows you to access shipment data through the order API.
## Compatibility of the module
This module is compatible with the following versions of Magento Community: **2.4**.
## How it works
We configure the module from **Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Delivery Methods**.
In this tab you can see new payment methods, all of them are preceded by "Aurora".
Once they are configured, the methods are available when finalizing the purchase.
### Adding a delivery method:
Go to **Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Delivery Methods** where we have access to delivery methods:
![Carriers 1](/uploads/carriers/carriers-1.png "Carriers 1").
Next, we need to expand the method of interest and configure it accordingly:
![Carriersss 2](/uploads/carriers/carriersss-2.png "Carriersss 2")
**Enabled** - we specify whether the method is enabled
**Title** - set the name with which the shipping method should be displayed
**Method Name** - short name of the shipping method
**Price** - shipping price
**Type** - method of calculating the shipping price
**Select image** - allows you to select an image for the shipping method.
**Calculate Handling Fee** - allows you to specify whether to charge an additional handling fee
**Handling Fee** - amount of additional handling fee
**Enable Free Shipping** - allows you to specify whether free shipping is available for the method
**Sort Order** - determines the order of the method in the list
**Ship to Applicable Countries** - allows you to select where shipping is to apply
**Ship to Specific Countries** - allows you to select the countries where the method will be available
**Display Error Message** - allows you to specify the information that is displayed when the shipping method is unavailable
After configuration, press **Save Config** and clear **cache**.
You should see the new shipping method on your page after going to the checkout:
![Carriers 3](/uploads/carriers/carriers-3.png "Carriers 3")
## Installing the module
### Installation via Composer
1 Add the repository to the composer.json file:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@git.auroracreation.com:magento2/carriers.git"
2 Modify the composer.json file:
"require": {
"aurora/module-carriers": "*"
3. in the Magento root folder, execute the following commands:
composer update aurora/module-carriers
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Carriers
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### Manual installation
1 Unzip the archive
2. transfer the module files to the server to the location:
{Magento root}
└── app/
└── code
3. in the Magento root folder, run the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_Carriers
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
## Changelog
### v1.9.0
* Fix code syntex with standards
* Add unit tests
### v1.8.0
* Adding validation of shipments
### v1.7.12
* Improved map performance
### v1.7.11
* Fixing PayPal configuration
### v1.7.10
* Improved calculation of discounts
### v1.7.9
* Adding compatibility with reorder function from PA
### v1.7.8
* Fixing form on checkout
### v1.7.7
* Fixing of flawed function
### v1.7.6
* Fixing free shipping
### v1.7.5
* Fixing of flawed function
### v1.7.4
* Improved display of delivery methods
### v1.7.3
* Improved selection of delivery point
### v1.7.2
* Improved operation of payment on delivery
### v1.7.1
* Improved appearance of InPost
### v1.7.0
* Bug fixes
* Code refactoring
### Thank you for your interest in our modules!