<!-- NAME: Api Gus - Documentation for the Magento 2 module --> <!-- SUBTITLE: Author: Paweł Wasiluk --> # Api Gus - Documentation for the Magento 2 module ## Description of the module Module that allows downloading company data in the purchasing process using webapi. ## Module compatibility This module is compatible with the following Magento Community versions: **2.4**. ## Mode of action After installing the module, go to the Admin Panel in **Shops > Settings > Configuration > Aurora> Gus Api** it is possible to configure the module ![Api Gus 1](/uploads/api-gus/zrzut-ekranu-z-2022-12-15-12-42-57.png "Zrzut Ekranu Z 2022 12 15 12 42 57") **Gus Api** - Enable / connect the module. **Gus Api Key** - Space to enter the api key if the store is in production mode is required. **API Test environment** - Enabling allows you to use api gus in demo version. The gus database is limited, while we do not have to provide the api key. After the module was included in the purchase process, the module functionality was added ![Api Gus 2](/uploads/api-gus/i-2.png "Api Gus 2") After entering the correct NIP number, the form will now be completed. ## Demo demo1.magecreation.com ## Module installation ### Installation via Composer 1. Add the repository to the composer.json file: ```text "Repositories": [ ... { "Type": "vcs", "Url": "git@git.auroracreation.com: aurora-modules / apigus.git" } ... ] ``` 2. Edit the composer.json file: ```text "demand": { ... "Aurora / module-api-gus": "*" ... } ``` 3. Instructions in the Magento version folder: ```text composer update aurora / module-api-gus module php bin / magento: enable Aurora_ApiGus php bin / magento configuration: upgrade ``` ### Manual installation 1. Unpack the archive 2. Move the module files on the server to the location: ```text {Magento root} └── application / └── code ``` 3. Instructions in the Magento version folder: ```text module php bin / magento: enable Aurora_ApiGus php bin / magento configuration: upgrade ``` 4. If you don't have a dedicated plug-in from Gus designed for magento 2- do it with composer via the command "composer require gusapi/gusapi" ## Changelog ### v1.0.11 * Added tests (phpcs, phpunit, phpmd, phpstan) in pipelines ### v1.0.10 * fix translation and add info about test mode ### v1.0.9 * fix data loading for correct nip ### v1.0.8 * fixed response ### v1.0.7 * Module fixes ### v1.0.6 * Update to M2.4 ### v1.0.5 * Update README.md ### v1.0.4 * Module changed to avoid error when not on production mode and not api key passed ### v1.0.3 * Fixed error with bad interface and bad const name ### v1.0.2 * Fix for data validaiton and nip pass to backend ### v1.0.1 * Fixed error with default type ### v1.0.0 * Addec copyrights, tests, config moved to helper ### Thank you for your interest in our modules!