Payment Reminder - Magento 2 module documentation
Author: Aurora Creation
Payment Reminder - Magento 2 module documentation.
Module description
Module allows to send e-mails with payment reminders. The message is sent when the deadline set in the module configuration is reached (e.g. after 48 hours) from placing the order and the order has the appropriate status (e.g. Awaiting payment). Automatically, the message is sent only once and only for orders for which the notification has not yet been sent. It is possible to send a reminder multiple times when editing an order. The cron task checks the orders every 10 minutes for the ability to send emails. If the order meets all the criteria, an email is sent. If more orders are collected at once (than the one-time limit), the limited quantity is sent. After 10 minutes, the next batch is sent.
Compatibility of the module
This module is compatible with the following versions of Magento Community: 2.4.
How it works
Stores > Settings > Configuration > Aurora > Payment Reminder > Configuration
Active? - enable/disable the module
Allow manual? - enabling/disabling the possibility of sending notifications from the order editing view.
Cron active? - enable/disable cron job
Send email after X hours - the number of hours after which the message can be sent
Days interval - the number of days back that have passed since the order was placed (calculated from the time of possible shipment). The parameter's purpose is to prevent sending notifications to very old orders with the unpaid status.
Max limit - the maximum limit for one-time sending of messages
Order status - order status indicating an unpaid order
Email Sender - select the sender of the message
Email Template - select an email template
Enable remainder for selected Payment Methods - selection of payment methods for which reminders will be used. After selecting a specific store scope, the list of methods is shortened to those active in a given store.
Enable remainder for selected Shipping Methods - selection of delivery methods for which reminders will be used
Manual reminder:
Section is available when viewing the order editing view in the admin panel. The section is displayed only when the order has the status "unpaid". By clicking the "Send a reminder" button, a reminder email will be sent regardless of whether the email has already been sent.
The second part of the section contains information when the first message was sent and when the last message was sent.
Installing the module
Installation via Composer
1 Add the repository to the composer.json file:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
2 Modify the composer.json file:
"require": {
"aurora/module-payment-reminder": "1.*"
- in the Magento root folder, execute the following commands:
composer update aurora/module-payment-reminder
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_PaymentReminder
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Manual installation
1 Unzip the archive
2. transfer the module files to the server to the location:
{Magento root}
└── app/
└── code
- in the Magento root folder, run the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aurora_PaymentReminder
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Add success message after sending reminding email
- Add configurable reminding for selected payment methods
- Add configurable reminding for selected shipping methods
- Fix: documentation link update
- Fix:
var added to@vars
added to template vars
- module created